No. 32

No. 32


The past can be the worst present you get in a new relationship.

Because you never know what you’ll get if you go down that road. You like the person you just met but what about the life they had before you? How much do you really want to know?

I mean, you obviously want to know if your new flirt has moonlighted as a serial killer or a raging alcoholic but would you want to know how many one-night stands they had? What about the specifics of their latest breakup? It’s quite a pickle, I know.

Because when inquiring about one’s past, one might get more than one ever asked for. Let me demonstrate.

“Have you ever had a threesome?”

“Yes a few times and it was insane! I liked it when it was me and another girl but to be honest I’m not into girls that much. I don’t like to share attention. But me and two guys was unbelievable! Never felt something like it in my life! How many times have you tried it?”

“Oh…I haven’t…I was just asking if we could try it together maybe…”

Ok, ok it’s an extreme example but you get my point. Let’s try another one.

“I can’t believe we actually booked it. We are going to Paris. It’s been on my bucket list for quite some time now. I’m so excited! Is it your first time as well baby? Have you been before?”

“No, no I’ve been a couple of times.”

“Oh how come? You like it that much? You can show me all the nice places!”

“No, yeah…Basically I came with Sophie on our first trip and then came back for the 3-year anniversary…”


Do you lie about having been to Paris or do you not ask in the first place?

There’s no right or wrong answer to be honest. Because that’s what you get with the past. Just a goody bag of unknown content.

Do you dare look what’s inside?

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