No. 26

No. 26


Gender bias infuriates me.  

There’s this woman at work that looks at me like candy and every time she talks to me there’s some sort of sexual innuendo or hint that makes it hard (not pun intended) to avoid. I’m not complaining, but if I tried anything remotely similar on a female colleague I’d probably be looking for a new job doing everything in my power to avoid references from HR calling me a sex pest. But her? No. People in the office think she’s adorable. Meh. 

And what about the height thing? It seems to be the single most important quality in today’s dating world. For men that is. Because short women are apparently adorable, sexy, fierce and fun-sized. Men under 6ft on the other hand are eternally cursed to walk the netherworld single, hoping to find a female that will settle for them. Gimme a break.  

Oh and don’t get me started on chivalry. Paying on the first date, opening doors, pulling chairs, buying flowers for…what exactly? For winning the unofficial title of a gentleman and lose the girl to the bad boy? Don’t even try. You like bad boys and you know it. You think they are charmingly damaged and you can fix them. But back to the point. Where is your code of conduct? We like flowers too you know.  

A fit man takes a picture in his swimsuit and he’s immediately labelled as a show off, a poser whilst some serious questions will be asked about his level of intellect: aka meathead. Now take a woman in a deep cleavage dress and what you have is an independent, powerful female that celebrates her body. Go girl, etc. 

This last example is one of my personal favorites: the use of any kind of physical force (outside of the bedroom that is). Society has somehow authorized women to use the odd slap or push when situations get heated between them and a man. It’s sassy, it’s dynamic, it’s acceptable. But a man? Hitting a woman? An act with severe consequences in a court of law. How does that make any sense? Just because you can’t hurt us, it doesn’t make it ok to do it. Any sort of physical violence is unacceptable no matter the sex. Plain and simple. 

Anyway that escalated quickly…I’m not really infuriated to be honest. Just being a bit of a pussy.

Oh wait, is that gender bias?

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